Friday, July 29, 2016


I am so excited to begin this year with each of you!  I can’t wait to spend this year with your little one, as we grow and learn together!

Please send your child with a backpack that can hold a folder, artwork, snack, and a change of clothes.  Little backpacks will not be able to hold all our important information.  No rolling backpacks are allowed as this is a tripping hazard for our little ones!

FolderS will be provided as a way to communicate and will be sent home each day with activities that your child has completed. A calendar of events will be sent home once per month and other information will be included in this folder for your little one.

Sometimes accidents happen.  This is completely common and this age.  We are all learning not to spill, or get too messy when playing together. Please send a complete change of clothes in a gallon Ziploc bag with your child’s name. These clothes will be kept at school in case of an accident.  I will swap these clothes out as the season changes and the weather gets colder.  Please send your child in comfortable washable clothes that you do NOT mind getting messy or dirty. Tennis shoes or closed-toe shoes/sandals are ideal! Please do NOT send your child in sandals, open-toe shoes or flip-flops as stubbing little toes can hurt!

We have a snack time each day. If you prefer your child to receive meals at school, please sign them up and send lunch money for their account on the FISD website.  If you want to provide your child with a snack from home, please send items that can be eaten in 15 minutes. Please send a snack your child will eat.  You may also provide a drink if your child likes, but we do have a water fountain in class if needed.  Please no foods with peanuts as we have several students with allergies.

Certain units of study in our curriculum allow us to cook and explore using our senses.  We will strive to keep in mind allergies as we do these activities throughout the year.  In the event your child may be allergic to an activity I will contact you directly to work out an alternative that you may provide for your child.

DO NOT send valuables or breakable items or toys as we cannot be responsible if they are lost or damaged.  We have more than enough materials for each student.

Contact Information
Early Childhood School
10330 Red Cedar Dr.
Frisco, TX 75035
Front Office: 469-633-3825
Fax: 469-633-3835

Teacher: Maria Tiffany
Ext. 63838              
Room 304        
I am available for scheduled conferences or parent phone calls from 2:50 – 3:20 pm every afternoon.  Please call or email to setup a time if you would like to conference about your child.  If you are picking up your child early, he/she is not riding the bus today, etc. please call the front office and they will make sure I receive the message.

Important Information:

Phone Calls to Parents: Monday and Tuesday August 15-16th

Meet the Teacher Night: Wednesday, August 17th - 5:30 - 6:30pm (Come and go event)

First Day of School: Monday, August 22nd (walk students into the building)

Second Day of School: Tuesday, August 23rd (Normal Drop off procedures apply)

NO SCHOOL Labor Day: Monday, September 5th

Curriculum Night: Tuesday, September 6th - 5:30 - 6:30 (more info to come soon)