Friday, October 7, 2016

October Update

Can you believe it is already October?  It certainly does not seem like it with the hot weather still around.  As we enter fall we will be wearing coats and jackets outside.  Please remember to label everything your child has so it does not get lost.

We are now finishing up our family unit and all of the students really liked the pictures you sent in to share.  Thank you so much for your participation with this unity of study.  Our next unit of study is community helpers.  We will devote a whole three weeks to this unit and spend one week just talking about the fire fighters in our community.  We will also have the opportunity to meet the fire fighters and see fire trucks next week during our class time.   We will read a book about fire safety and learn to STOP, DROP and ROLL.

We are just beginning our math unit and learning to SORT items, colors and objects.  This is a beginning math concept as we learn to look at things that are “alike” and things that are “different”.  Your child can sort anything at home by color.  As an activity at home, you can have your child sort socks by color.  Black, red, blue, white, etc.  They could also sort toys by shapes starting with finding items that look like circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.  This is a great way to foster learning at home. 

As a reminder, please keep up with the Ready Rosie as this is also a great way to reinforce learning at home and in the community. 

As a reminder there is no school Friday October 7 and Monday October 10.

School reminders:
Send all absence notices to:
· If your child accrues a combined total of 10 unexcused absence, tardy, or leave early, you will be in violation of the State of Texas Truancy Laws (Texas Education Code 25,093).
· Absences due to extended trips or vacations will always be unexcused. If traveling for more than 5 consecutive days, an extended absence form must be completed.
· A written note or email from a parent may excuse an absence due to illness for up to 4 days, after the 4th day, the parent shall provide a note from a physician.
· Calling in to let us know your child will be absent does not excuse the absence.
· We must receive all excuses within 3 days of the student returning to school.

· State law requires school children to attend school each day that instruction is provided. The law applies to children 6-18. If you voluntarily enroll your child in Prekindergarten before the age of 6, school attendance laws apply to your child.

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