Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

We have finished our Thanksgiving unit!  I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends while we are off next week.  Please take the time to discuss with our little ones being thankful for everything.  I am thankful for trees, leaves, food, and fun with my family, my sisters and brothers, etc.  This is just an idea to keep the thankful thoughts moving forward.  Our next unit is on Gingerbread, yummy!

In our math unit we are still working on the differences between big and small.  Please try to encourage the use of saying “big and small” in your everyday talks with your little ones.  This will only reinforce what we are learning at school.  See if your child can follow your directions and understand the differences of size.  Remember that our Ready Rosie is a great way to access information regarding our curriculum and that you can focus on these same skills at home!  Big and Small.

ECS Multi-Cultural Night is December 6, please mark your calendar!  This is a fun way to get to learn about other cultures!  Some people come dressed in decorative clothing and others share their culture and food.  What a yummy time to get together, we will enjoy lots of treats I am sure!

In motorlab we are learning to use our gross motor skills to hit a ball with a foam paddle; and we are working on running and putting together a big gingerbread house.  We are learning to stomp and jump with two feet together and we are learning how to use a scooter board and scoot with our legs forwards and backwards. 

In music we learned a song about a Turkey and got to listen to how a turkey sounds by playing a funny instrument that Ms. Erin brought to class.  It was very loud, but we all enjoyed playing with the instrument!

Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance.  Also, please keep all belongings labeled so they do not get lost at school.

Hope everyone has a very restful Thanksgiving and wonderful time with their families and friends.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fall and Thanksgiving are in the air

We have finished our fall unit and are now focusing on Thanksgiving.  This is a time where we learn to be thankful for what is around us.  Our families, grandma and grandpa, our sisters and brothers and all the yummy food at Thanksgiving we will eat.

In our math unit we have finished our unit on location words!  Our study is now learning the differences regarding measurement.  Specifically we will learn about height, length and width.  We will focus our study on big and small and short and tall.  See if your child can follow your directions and understand the differences of size.  Remember that our Ready Rosie is a great way to access information regarding our curriculum and that you can focus on these same skills at home!

Picture retakes is right around the corner.  If for some reason you do not like the photo a new one can be taken on Tuesday November 15, 2016.

ECS Multi-Cultural Night is coming soon!  This is a fun way to get to learn about other cultures!  Some people come dressed in decorate clothing and others share their culture and food.  What a yummy time to get together.

In motorlab we are now working on our new stations.  We are learning to use our gross motor skills to hit a ball with a foam paddle; and we are working on running and putting together a big gingerbread house.  We are learning to stomp and jump with two feet together and we are learning how to use a scooter board and scoot with our legs forwards and backwards.  We are also working on fine motor skills and using our pincer grasp to put things “on, in and under” using our location words from math that we just learned.

Friday, November 4, 2016

November is here!

I cannot believe it is already November!!  Time is flying by too fast.  

Our focus for this week in Literacy has been fall and the many colors we see around us.  Brown is our main color for the month of November, but we also see red, yellow, orange and some green leaves too!  We will look at how the leaves start green and change colors over the season of autumn (fall).  We will spend next week also learning about fall.

In our math unit we are learning about location words!  Our study is learning the follow the directions.  Put the cup on the table, put the folder in the backpack, put your shoes under the bed.  See if your child can follow your directions and understanding of the location words “in, on, and under”.  Below is a link to a cute video we show the students to prepare them for the task of learning the skill of a new activity.  They love the tune and most can sing the song too!

Our running in motorlab is now complete and everyone had a great time at the ECS Fun Run with Mr. Turkey.  We are now working in motorlab on our gross motor skills and following directions as we listen and learn some new songs and coordinate our movement at the same time.  It is quite a task to learn!  Below are some of the songs we are listening to and working on, see if you can keep up with your child.