Friday, November 4, 2016

November is here!

I cannot believe it is already November!!  Time is flying by too fast.  

Our focus for this week in Literacy has been fall and the many colors we see around us.  Brown is our main color for the month of November, but we also see red, yellow, orange and some green leaves too!  We will look at how the leaves start green and change colors over the season of autumn (fall).  We will spend next week also learning about fall.

In our math unit we are learning about location words!  Our study is learning the follow the directions.  Put the cup on the table, put the folder in the backpack, put your shoes under the bed.  See if your child can follow your directions and understanding of the location words “in, on, and under”.  Below is a link to a cute video we show the students to prepare them for the task of learning the skill of a new activity.  They love the tune and most can sing the song too!

Our running in motorlab is now complete and everyone had a great time at the ECS Fun Run with Mr. Turkey.  We are now working in motorlab on our gross motor skills and following directions as we listen and learn some new songs and coordinate our movement at the same time.  It is quite a task to learn!  Below are some of the songs we are listening to and working on, see if you can keep up with your child.

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