Friday, January 6, 2017

It's Snowing

It snowed today!!!  It has been a great first week back at school!  We have been discussing snow and reading several books about snow.  Our favorite is the Snowy Day and A Cold and Snowy day.  We have talked about how many different types of clothes we need to wear.  Hat, scarf, gloves/mittens and of course a coat to keep warm!  We are also introducing our color of white this month.  That means your child should know the colors RED, ORANGE, BROWN, GREEN and now WHITE.  So impressive they are learning new things daily!

In our math unit we are working on shapes and sorting.  Our new focus is on using word descriptors and describing shapes by color, size or edges.  We are also talking about how we sort them by size.  You can also work on this at home with your child to help discuss colors and shapes you see in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings labeled so they do not get lost at school.

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