Monday, March 27, 2017


We have finished our weather and spring unit!  We are now moving on to learning all about animals.  All the spring animals are babies so we are starting to learn about animals now that we know in spring we see new flowers, leaves and insects start to buzz around.

We are now finished working on the concepts of in, on and under.  Ask your child to show you in, on, under with an object or their snack at home and see if you can follow along.  They did great proving they understand the concept and showing off where to place their objects.

We also went to the library and read a story with Ms. Jenkins about a fish that would not share.  The fish did end up sharing at the end of the story, what a great way to show we can all share something. 

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or lunch items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for them to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

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