This week we are talking about plants and the
life cycle of how a plant is made. We
read the story the “Planting a Garden” and watched a short video clip about how
to grow plants. You can discuss with
your child the lifecycle of to make a plant.
What happens first? Get the dirt ready.
Second? Use a shovel. Third?
Plant the seeds. What happens
next? We ended our unit by making plants in the classroom and watched them
This week in math we are talking about sorting. We can now sort by color, by size (big and
little) and we can sort real objects!!!
We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and
keep up with others. You can ask your
child how to sort by color or size or have them sort by shape.
In music we learned how to play instruments in
a timing manner so that we know how to follow a beat. We also learned how to play with a parchute
and use the terms up and down as in learning musical notes. It was fun to learn songs about spring and
Please remember as our numbers increase to
always, always, always label your child’s belongings. We have had several students forget their
jacket or snack items. If they are
labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.
As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each
family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of
February. If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we
would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than
$2,000 dollars. We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to
collect them as well.