Friday, April 21, 2017

Butterflies and Bugs

This week we are talking about butterflies!!  We read the story the “Hungry Caterpillar” and watched a short video clip about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  You can discuss with your child the lifecycle of the butterfly.  What happens first?  Second?  When does the caterpillar turn into a butterfly? We had a butterfly habitat in our room and watched the caterpillars turn into chrysalis and then into a butterfly.  We let them go once they were big enough out on the playground.  It was a great week for watching the butterflies outside.

This is our last week in math that we are talking about graphing.  We learned that what we like will make a difference in math.  If we all like the dragonflies and not the butterflies, the graph will be large.  If only a few students like the beetle but most friends like the fly our graph will show two different types of bugs!  Ask your child to discuss which bug they like best and graph at home what your family likes the most. 

In library we picked out books from the book fair.  Don’t forget to check your child’s folder for the books they would like to purchase.  They picked them out all by themselves, showing independent they are becoming and which ones they liked best!

Don’t forget…..We have a book fair coming up soon!  Please plan to participate.  Flyers were sent home with details and information regarding the cost of items that will be seen at the book fair.  This is a great way to start reading over the summer with your little ones.

ECS Spring Book Fair- Friday, April 21. 2017- Friday, APRIL 28, 2017- 8AM-3PM
Open Until 7pm on Tuesday, April 25th.
Visit our Online Book Fair page-

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

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