Thursday, May 4, 2017

Story Book Parade Day!!

This week we are talking about Nursery Rhymes.  We discussed Humpty Dumpty, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  We watched a short video clip about each story and then picked our favorites.  You can discuss with your child which story they like best. We ended our unit by having a storybook character parade!!!

This week in math we are talking about sorting.  We can now sort by color, by size (big and little) and we can sort real objects!!!  We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and keep up with others.  You can ask your child how to sort by color or size or have them sort by shape.

This was our last time for library.  We read stories and had fun.  Please remember if you have a book checked out to return it soon.  The last day to return books is May 18th.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

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