Friday, February 10, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We read the story “Hearts in Many Colors” about hearts and colors.  We counted 12 different colors including gray and white.  We watched a cute video on HEARTS.  We had a great time watching the hearts dancing and then made our Valentine’s Hearts for our party next week.  We also completed a design that was heart shaped and said “I love you to pieces”. 

We are finished with our patterns and are starting to rotate through our second semester of skills in math.  Please continue to work on finding patterns.  It could be at dinner setting the table or using socks of various colors or anything you can find to pattern such as toys or transportation vehicles and other objects too.  You could also pattern big and small.  This is a great way to work on another math skill! 

For our new students this will be their first time to count and for our students that were here last semester this is an opportunity to expand on learning to count further, possibly up to 10. 

This past week we had music and it was on a different day due to a conflict.  The students all did wonderful with the addition of music on a different day rather than scheduled.  They really love playing all the instruments that Ms. Erin brings and taking turns and sharing.  It is really great to see them all share when we are spending the week talking about friendship and Valentines coming up. 

An email was sent home today regarding Valentines Day Party Information, please see the details below and have a wonderful weekend!!!

“Hello Parents!
I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Our Valentine's Day party is coming up and will be held on Tuesday February 14th. The AM party will be at 9:40 and the PM party will be at 1:40. Each student will need to bring Valentines to pass out to their friends with your child's name on them (ex. From: John). Please remember to have your driver's license scanned in the front office so that you can get your visitor badge. Also, if you are planning on taking your child with you after the party, please remember to bring in your car tag or they cannot leave with you when the party is over. You can send your childs Valentines in their backpack anytime.”
AM class has 15 friends
PM class has 11 friends

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