Thursday, February 2, 2017

Health and Teeth

On Tuesday our class had the chance to perform on the stage in the evening!  It was so cute to see everyone dressed up and singing songs about the weather and snow, and snowflakes!  We all had a great time and the kids did awesome, singing the songs we had been practicing in class.  If your child did not perform, please remember there is always next year!

We are now finished with our unit Health and teeth!   We just read the story “How many teeth does the Tooth Fairy Have?, The Tooth Book” a story that teaches us how to count how many teeth we have in our mouth.  We watched a cute video on how to take care of our teeth and only put a small amount of toothpaste on and how to brush back and forth, up and down.  A cute little lymric was sent home as well about how to do the “Brushy Brushy” to the tune of the Hokey Pokey.  We hope you all enjoyed this as much as the students!  They had a blast pretending to brush teeth!

Please continue your work with your child at home on patterns.  It could be at dinner setting the table or using socks of various colors or anything you can find to pattern such as toys or transportation vehicles and other objects too.  You could also pattern big and small.  Big hearts, little hearts would create a pattern and focus on language of using big and little.  This is a great way to work on another math skill!  Please work on these types of activities at home with your child to help discuss colors and patterns in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings LABELED so they do not get lost at school.

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