Thursday, May 25, 2017

Going on a trip

This week we finished talking about going on a trip.  We pretended to see a lion, a bear and a tiger on our trip.  We are working very hard to make the last week enjoyable.  Please do not forget our party is on Tuesday the day we return from our break.   

This week our last math unit is on counting.  See how many objects your child can count.  What is the highest number they can rote count?  5? 10? 20?  Some of our students can even count to 30!  That is very impressive.  Try to have your child count various objects around the house.

Don’t forget we are finished with our library classes.  The last day to return books was May 18th.   If you still have a book it is now over due!!!!

Below is the order form for school supplies and the actual lists.  Please share with parents and encourage them to order them now. They will be delivered right to their home and they will bring them on Meet the Teacher Night next year.  Thanks!!!

School Supply Order Form

School Supply Lists By Program

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, May 19, 2017


This week we finished talking about Oceans and all the animals we see in the ocean.  We made several projects with ocean animals and ended our week with our water field day!  The kids had a blast getting wet and playing in the sand! 

This week we finished talking about patterns.  We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and keep up with others.  You can ask your child how to pattern by color or size or anything can be a pattern!

On Tuesday we had our big ECS dance party and showed all our cool moves!  The students really love dancing to music!

Don’t forget we are finished with our library classes.  The last day to return books is May 18th.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Oceans part one

This week we are talking about Oceans and all the animals we see in the ocean.  We might see Crabs, Seahorse, Octopus, Jellyfish, whales, or dolphins!  We made a dolphin with a banana and the students enjoyed eating it once the project was complete.  We also worked hard on a Mother’s Day card activity too!  Hope you enjoy your presents!!! 

This week in math we are talking about patterns.  We can make a pattern by color, by size (big and little) and we can make a pattern with real objects!!!  We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and keep up with others.  You can ask your child how to pattern by color or size or have them pattern toys or household objects such as forks and spoons or colored legos.  Anything can be a pattern!

This was our last time for music.  We finished learning all our new dance moves for our big ECS dance party on Tuesday!  The students are so excited to show off their moves!
Don’t forget we are finished with our library classes. 

The last day to return books is May 18th.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Story Book Parade Day!!

This week we are talking about Nursery Rhymes.  We discussed Humpty Dumpty, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  We watched a short video clip about each story and then picked our favorites.  You can discuss with your child which story they like best. We ended our unit by having a storybook character parade!!!

This week in math we are talking about sorting.  We can now sort by color, by size (big and little) and we can sort real objects!!!  We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and keep up with others.  You can ask your child how to sort by color or size or have them sort by shape.

This was our last time for library.  We read stories and had fun.  Please remember if you have a book checked out to return it soon.  The last day to return books is May 18th.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Plant Cycle

This week we are talking about plants and the life cycle of how a plant is made.  We read the story the “Planting a Garden” and watched a short video clip about how to grow plants.  You can discuss with your child the lifecycle of to make a plant.  What happens first? Get the dirt ready.  Second? Use a shovel. Third?  Plant the seeds.  What happens next? We ended our unit by making plants in the classroom and watched them grow!

This week in math we are talking about sorting.  We can now sort by color, by size (big and little) and we can sort real objects!!!  We are having a great time learning how to independently do our work and keep up with others.  You can ask your child how to sort by color or size or have them sort by shape.

In music we learned how to play instruments in a timing manner so that we know how to follow a beat.  We also learned how to play with a parchute and use the terms up and down as in learning musical notes.  It was fun to learn songs about spring and summer.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, April 21, 2017

Butterflies and Bugs

This week we are talking about butterflies!!  We read the story the “Hungry Caterpillar” and watched a short video clip about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  You can discuss with your child the lifecycle of the butterfly.  What happens first?  Second?  When does the caterpillar turn into a butterfly? We had a butterfly habitat in our room and watched the caterpillars turn into chrysalis and then into a butterfly.  We let them go once they were big enough out on the playground.  It was a great week for watching the butterflies outside.

This is our last week in math that we are talking about graphing.  We learned that what we like will make a difference in math.  If we all like the dragonflies and not the butterflies, the graph will be large.  If only a few students like the beetle but most friends like the fly our graph will show two different types of bugs!  Ask your child to discuss which bug they like best and graph at home what your family likes the most. 

In library we picked out books from the book fair.  Don’t forget to check your child’s folder for the books they would like to purchase.  They picked them out all by themselves, showing independent they are becoming and which ones they liked best!

Don’t forget…..We have a book fair coming up soon!  Please plan to participate.  Flyers were sent home with details and information regarding the cost of items that will be seen at the book fair.  This is a great way to start reading over the summer with your little ones.

ECS Spring Book Fair- Friday, April 21. 2017- Friday, APRIL 28, 2017- 8AM-3PM
Open Until 7pm on Tuesday, April 25th.
Visit our Online Book Fair page-

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Farm Animals

This week we are talking about farm animals.  We read the story “The Big Red Barn” and talked about all the farm animals that we see in the story.  You can discuss with your child what animals belong on the farm and those that stay inside the house and other animals that you see at the zoo.  Does a zebra belong on a farm?  Do you have a cow for a pet at home?  Silly questions always ignite silly talk and conversations that lead to using imagination.  This is a great way to involve pretend talk into conversations.  Do horses fly?  What would that look like?  The students love talking about animals!

This week in math we are talking about graphing.  We are learning that what we like will make a difference in math.  If we all like the cows on the farm, the graph will be large.  If only a few students like the cow but most friends like the horse our graph will show two different types of animals!  Ask your child to discuss which animal they like best and graph at home what your family likes the most. 

In music Ms. Erin showed us how to use a scarf and make it blow in the wind like a kite.  We learned about how spring is sometimes windy.  We also learned how to use a clatapillar which is a wooden shaped instrument that makes noise.  We learned how it sounds like a caterpillar!  It was neat to see and hear!

Don’t forget…..We have a book fair coming up soon!  Please plan to participate.  Flyers were sent home with details and information regarding the cost of items that will be seen at the book fair.  This is a great way to start reading over the summer with your little ones.

ECS Spring Book Fair- Friday, April 21. 2017- Friday, APRIL 28, 2017- 8AM-3PM
Open Until 7pm on Tuesday, April 25th.
Visit our Online Book Fair page-


Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pets we have at home

This week we are talking about pets in school including dogs, cats, kittens, fish, bunnies, etc.  These are all pets that we can keep at home.  Ask your child can you have an elephant for a pet?  No.  Can you have a dog as a pet in your house? Yes.  We had great fun sharing animals and taking them on a short walk around the school.  Our “Pet Parade” was another success!  The students love showing off their favorite stuffed animals to all their friends.

This is our last week to discuss Big and Little; Long and Short; and Tall and Small.  Ask your child to discuss these concepts at home.  These concepts are important in understanding math and learning that length, width and height help us in measuring things around the house.  You can look at the windows in your house and describe them as little and the door in your house is big.  You can also describe this using cups, plates, bowls and flatware in the kitchen while cooking dinner!

We had Ms. Jenkins read us a story in library about different instruments!  It was neat to get to learn all the sounds the violin, piano, drums, guitar, and xylophone make and hear them being played.  We have a book fair coming up soon!  Please plan to participate.  Flyers were sent home with details and information regarding the cost of items that will be seen at the book fair.  This is a great way to start reading over the summer with your little ones.

ECS Spring Book Fair- Friday, April 21. 2017- Friday, APRIL 28, 2017- 8AM-3PM
Open Until 7pm on Tuesday, April 25th.
Visit our Online Book Fair page-


Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or snack items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for the students to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, March 31, 2017

Animals in Spring

We started off spring really quiet; I hope everyone was able to get a little rest with all the storms this past weekend.  We just finished our first week of animals in spring!  Next week we will be talking about pets.  Please remember to send your child to school with their favorite animal to share with the class. 

We are now in our second round of discussing Big and Little; Long and Short; and Tall and Small.  Ask your child to discuss these concepts at home.  Mommy has big shoes, I have little shoes.  Daddy is tall and I am small, I can make a long snake out of play dough and a short snake.

We had Ms. Erin come and sing some songs about animals in music this week.  We also got to try out a new instrument a drum with drum sticks!  It was loud to hear everyone play the drum, but great fun to see who could follow the beat of the music.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or lunch items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for them to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Monday, March 27, 2017


We have finished our weather and spring unit!  We are now moving on to learning all about animals.  All the spring animals are babies so we are starting to learn about animals now that we know in spring we see new flowers, leaves and insects start to buzz around.

We are now finished working on the concepts of in, on and under.  Ask your child to show you in, on, under with an object or their snack at home and see if you can follow along.  They did great proving they understand the concept and showing off where to place their objects.

We also went to the library and read a story with Ms. Jenkins about a fish that would not share.  The fish did end up sharing at the end of the story, what a great way to show we can all share something. 

Please remember as our numbers increase to always, always, always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or lunch items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for them to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, March 17, 2017


I hope you all had a restful Spring Break!  We started our week off a little tired due to the time change.  Please make sure your child is getting a good amount of sleep and is ready to start each day with a smile.  This week we are learning about weather and when we can go outside and when we need to stay inside and play.  We watched a short video about rain and weather.

We are now working on the concepts of location words “in, on, and under”  We had so much fun this week taking goldfish and putting them under our hand to hid them, on top of our hand and tried to balance the goldfish and then put it in our mouth.  It was so yummy and fun to practice!  We also tried doing this with our snack food too!  Ask your child to show you in, on, under with their snack at home and see if you can follow along.

This past week we had music and listened to some songs about Irish music and celebrating St. Patricks Day.   We then sang about water and Ms. Erin misted the air with a spray like rain and water falling down.  It was great fun.  We also learned to play the triangle and hold the instrument appropriately.

Please remember as our numbers increase to always always always label your child’s belongings.  We have had several students forget their jacket or lunch items.  If they are labeled this makes it so much easier for them to find their name.

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dr. Seuss counting 10 Apples

This week we spent talking about the famous Dr. Seuss and reading some of the wonderful stories.  It is always fun to read Dr. Seuss as the books are very repetitive and the repetition is easy language for our little ones to grasp and talk about over and over.  We read 10 Apples Up on Top; One Fish, Two Fish; and Cat in the Hat.  The students loved counting the apples and counting the fish.  We watched a short video and counted all the apples. 

We ended our counting in math by practicing counting by rote and 1:1 correspondence (touch and count) through fun large group activities and reinforcing math tubs. We have been counting 10 apples up on top of our heads to go with the Dr. Seuss book. 

This past week we in library we listened to a story about Dr. Suess and the many changes he wanted to make about him but decided in the end he was fine just the he is red and white.

Hope everyone has a restful and fun spring break!  Please remember to move your clocks forward on March 12th one hour, as this is the weekend to “Spring Forward” one hour!

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Transportation - Ambulances and Airplanes

I hope everyone had a nice, long weekend. It was a very short week, but packed with fun!

We are continuing to learn about transportation!  This is one of the students favorite units!  Our interactive reading book for the week was All Around the Busy Town?  They all love that the books provide interactive pictures that match to pictures in the book, encouraging attention and participation.  We watched a short video and tried to identify all the sounds we hear with vehicles.  See you can identify all the transportation sounds with your child.

We are still continuing to count in math by practicing counting by rote and 1:1 correspondence (touch and count) through fun large group activities and reinforcing math tubs. We have been counting and jumping when we roll a large dice.  It has been such a fun week listening to everyone jump and count at the same time. 

This past week we in music Ms. Erin taught us how to share and take turns with our music instruments.  We had to follow directions and take turns sharing all the neat toys.  We played maracas, claterpillars, egg shakers, rain sticks and cabasas!  It was loud and fun.

A huge thank you to all the support for the food donations sent in to help support or local charities.  We thank you for your generosity! 

As a reminder, ECS was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, February 17, 2017

I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!!!

This past week we had our Valentine’s Day party!!!  It was great fun to see everyone and watch our friends taking turns, sharing, remembering everyone’s names and saying please and thank you!!!  What a wonderful job you do of promoting language and encouraging your little ones to talk and express what they want at home!!  Thank you so much for all the presents!  Ms. Donelle and I loved all the gifts!!!

We read the story “Where does the car go?” about different transportation vehicles and where do they go.  The truck goes on the road.  The helicopter goes in the sky.  This was a great activity to work on prepositional phrases using the words in and on to describe where the vehicle was and to promote more language.  You could do the same at home.  Where does the cup go?  In the sink.  Where does the fork go?  In the drawer.  This is a great way to use more descriptive words and increase language.     We also watched a video about trucks and cars and the sounds that they make on the road.

We are working on counting in math.  My goodness so many of our friends can already count to 5!!!  That is so amazing and wonderful to see how high they can count.  Please encourage counting at home, by counting toys, socks, toothbrushes, cans of soup, etc.  Anything to help them increase counting is wonderful! 

We also went to the library and listened to Ms. Jenkins tell a story about painting!  Titled “I ain’t Gonna Paint No More!” about a little boy that paints the house all sorts of colors and then paints his body!  The link to the video the students watched is below.  We will do this as a class project at the end of the year, weather permitting.  It is so fun to paint one another!!

I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!

Our school was challenged for each family to collect 25 box tops and send them in during the month of February.  If every student brought in just 25 box tops each, we would collect over 20,000 box tops in just one month, which would be more than $2,000 dollars.  We also encourage everyone to ask extended family to collect them as well.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We read the story “Hearts in Many Colors” about hearts and colors.  We counted 12 different colors including gray and white.  We watched a cute video on HEARTS.  We had a great time watching the hearts dancing and then made our Valentine’s Hearts for our party next week.  We also completed a design that was heart shaped and said “I love you to pieces”. 

We are finished with our patterns and are starting to rotate through our second semester of skills in math.  Please continue to work on finding patterns.  It could be at dinner setting the table or using socks of various colors or anything you can find to pattern such as toys or transportation vehicles and other objects too.  You could also pattern big and small.  This is a great way to work on another math skill! 

For our new students this will be their first time to count and for our students that were here last semester this is an opportunity to expand on learning to count further, possibly up to 10. 

This past week we had music and it was on a different day due to a conflict.  The students all did wonderful with the addition of music on a different day rather than scheduled.  They really love playing all the instruments that Ms. Erin brings and taking turns and sharing.  It is really great to see them all share when we are spending the week talking about friendship and Valentines coming up. 

An email was sent home today regarding Valentines Day Party Information, please see the details below and have a wonderful weekend!!!

“Hello Parents!
I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Our Valentine's Day party is coming up and will be held on Tuesday February 14th. The AM party will be at 9:40 and the PM party will be at 1:40. Each student will need to bring Valentines to pass out to their friends with your child's name on them (ex. From: John). Please remember to have your driver's license scanned in the front office so that you can get your visitor badge. Also, if you are planning on taking your child with you after the party, please remember to bring in your car tag or they cannot leave with you when the party is over. You can send your childs Valentines in their backpack anytime.”
AM class has 15 friends
PM class has 11 friends

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Health and Teeth

On Tuesday our class had the chance to perform on the stage in the evening!  It was so cute to see everyone dressed up and singing songs about the weather and snow, and snowflakes!  We all had a great time and the kids did awesome, singing the songs we had been practicing in class.  If your child did not perform, please remember there is always next year!

We are now finished with our unit Health and teeth!   We just read the story “How many teeth does the Tooth Fairy Have?, The Tooth Book” a story that teaches us how to count how many teeth we have in our mouth.  We watched a cute video on how to take care of our teeth and only put a small amount of toothpaste on and how to brush back and forth, up and down.  A cute little lymric was sent home as well about how to do the “Brushy Brushy” to the tune of the Hokey Pokey.  We hope you all enjoyed this as much as the students!  They had a blast pretending to brush teeth!

Please continue your work with your child at home on patterns.  It could be at dinner setting the table or using socks of various colors or anything you can find to pattern such as toys or transportation vehicles and other objects too.  You could also pattern big and small.  Big hearts, little hearts would create a pattern and focus on language of using big and little.  This is a great way to work on another math skill!  Please work on these types of activities at home with your child to help discuss colors and patterns in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings LABELED so they do not get lost at school.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Good Food

We are now finished with our unit on Nutrition and Good Food!  We just read the story “Good Food” a story that teaches us how to go to the store and get food.  Once the food is purchased we can take it home and make a good dinner.  Dad and mom and even the kids help make a great meal to eat and share.  We painted with fruit and we made funny faces with our fruit and foods!  It was yummy and we learned all about how to go to the store.  We watched a funny video which talked about food combinations and how to combine different foods.  In the end all the foods made something that was “yucky”.  The link is attached:
Song: Do you like Broccoli

Next week we will begin a new math unit on patterns!  We will learn how to pattern by color and by object.  Our goal is to use an A,B A,B pattern.  So for colors we would do, orange, yellow, orange, yellow as a pattern.  Please work with your child at home on a pattern.  It could be at dinner setting the table or using socks of various colors or anything you can find to pattern such as toys or transportation vehicles and other objects too.  Please continue to work on these types of activities at home with your child to help discuss colors and patterns in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings LABELED so they do not get lost at school.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Following rules and learning about Nutrition

We are working hard and getting back into our learning mode.  We have added several new friends to each of our classes and we are all learning together.  This week we read “Growing Vegetable Soup” a story that teaches how vegetables grow in the garden.  We painted with vegetables and we made vegetable soup!  It was yummy and we learned all about how to plant our food.  We watched a funny video which talked about food combinations and how to combine different foods.  In the end all the foods made something that was “yucky”.  The link is attached:

Song: Do you like Broccoli

In our math unit we finished are working on sorting different objects.  We learned to use word descriptors and describe sort by color, size or edges.  We can sort big and little objects, we can sort objects by color and we can sort fruits, transportation vehicles and other objects too.  Please continue to work on these types of activities at home with your child to help discuss colors, size and sorting in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings LABELED so they do not get lost at school.

Friday, January 13, 2017

It's Winter!

It snowed today!!!  It has been a great first week back at school!  We have been discussing snow and reading several books about snow.  This week we read “Snowman, Snowman” a story that teaches repetition in learning.  We learned about all the things a snowman would see walking outside and they all start with the letter S.  Sled, Skis, Scarf, Snow, and Snowflake.  We made snow this week with equal parts cornstarch and shaving cream!  It was super fun to play in the “snow”

In our math unit we finished our shapes and sorting unit.  We learned to use word descriptors and describe shapes by color, size or edges.  We also talked about how we sort them by size.  Please continue to work on these types of activities at home with your child to help discuss colors and shapes you see in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings LABELED so they do not get lost at school.

Friday, January 6, 2017

It's Snowing

It snowed today!!!  It has been a great first week back at school!  We have been discussing snow and reading several books about snow.  Our favorite is the Snowy Day and A Cold and Snowy day.  We have talked about how many different types of clothes we need to wear.  Hat, scarf, gloves/mittens and of course a coat to keep warm!  We are also introducing our color of white this month.  That means your child should know the colors RED, ORANGE, BROWN, GREEN and now WHITE.  So impressive they are learning new things daily!

In our math unit we are working on shapes and sorting.  Our new focus is on using word descriptors and describing shapes by color, size or edges.  We are also talking about how we sort them by size.  You can also work on this at home with your child to help discuss colors and shapes you see in your environment.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings labeled so they do not get lost at school.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!  Hope everyone enjoys the next two weeks off.  We finished learning about the color green for the month of December and will start off with the color white when we return in January. 

In our math unit we completed our math unit on Graphing, including matching and sorting Gingerbread pieces to a Gingerbread Man and sorting the colors red and green!  There are so many items that are red and green this time of year.  You can emphasize things that are green and red at your house and help your child sort, match and graph what you find at home!

Our party was a big success!  All the kids loved eating ice cream and making a snowman! Please remember that if you attend a party next time, you will need your child’s car tag to take them from the building.

Brrrrr…. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!!   Please remember with the weather getting colder we go outside nearly every day.  According to FISD we will be outside, weather permitting when it is 32 degrees.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in layers they can take off and put on themselves with minimal assistance independently.  Also, please keep all belongings labeled so they do not get lost at school.